I got both of these videos today of Reese. She is too cute when she laughs!! Hint: Scroll all the way to the bottom and pause the song that is playing. Then play the videos with your volume on!!
This past Tuesday we went to Shara & Dave's house in McKinney, TX (just North of Dallas). Reese did great on the ride up there. As soon as we get there, I put her on her stomach for some tummy time and she ROLLED OVER!!! No one believed it, so we put her on her tummy again and within minutes she was on her back. I can't believe I had to take her all the way up there to get her to roll over :o) We had a lot of fun with our dear friends!!! We took Reese to the Dallas Aquarium, which was a lot of fun.

At The Dallas Aquarium
Her Back To Side Roll
Reese got to meet her Papa and Uncle Nathan for the 1st time a few weekends ago. They flew down from Illinois for Ashley's highschool graduation. Reese had been upset before they got here and instantly she calmed down in Papa's arms.
Reese & Uncle Nathan
A Family Reunion For Ashley's Graduation
At Ashley's Graduation
Reese & Nana
Look, There's Ashley!!
Aunt Ashley's Graduation
Reese & Papa