We are making progress on sight words with Reese! Here is a video of sight words A-C (she also knows "cat" and I'm shocked that wasn't a card included in this set).
If you follow along, you know that we are doing a letter each week. The basic alphabet for Emma (age 3) and sight words for each letter for Reese (age 4.5). We did sight words for the letter A in 1 week & sight words for the letter B in the 2nd week. We took 2 weeks off for birthday celebrations and started back this week with letter C sight words. I have her keep reviewing the previous words for repetition.
Sometimes I ask her to close her eyes and spell the word out loud. This is a much harder concept but she does great! I want to start getting her to spell/write the colors without these cards (since these cards are written in color of the word - meaning blue is written in all blue). I want to make sure she is really learning the word and not just looking at the color of it.
I have posted the link to these flashcards in both my
September and
October lesson plans. They are under the "
Monthly" heading under
sight words flashcards.
For easy access I am reposting the link
here! These are free downloads after signing up for a free membership to the website.
I did cut these out and then laminate them. To see how I prepare their school work, I've blogged it
Way to go Reese!!! You are doing awesome!