I feel terrible because somehow the 27th got away from me and I'm late taking pictures and updating the blog. These pictures are not the best because I was trying to hurry after dinner and she wanted to nurse.
I'm done!
Nursing: I have made it 11 months of breastfeeding!! I can't believe it and am very proud. I am both very excited to be done next month but also saddened that those special moments will be no longer. She does NOT take a paci and I wonder how I will be able to soothe her after she is weaned.
Eating: She eats everything! Scarlett gets the same meals we do and she eats it all!! She loves meat and even cleared her serving of pulled pork before her two older sisters!
Teething: She has finally cut one of the two bottom molars that have been moving so slow! Hence, the constant finger in the side of her mouth. So she is up to 9 teeth with the 10th (molar) coming very soon.
Mobility: She pulls up on everything so easily now! She is transferring between objects of furniture as long as she can hold onto something while doing it. I try and get her to let go and walk to me and she gives me this look like she's thinking about it but I must be crazy! She is starting to walk well if you hold her hand.
Sleep: YIKES!! Maybe one day I will get to sleep through the night but it hasn't happened but a few times. I am still dream feeding her before I go to bed and having to wake up to nurse her btwn 2:30-5am.
Communication: She can sign "all done", "bye bye", "milk", & say "mama", "dada", "bye bye" and we are still working on the signs "more" and "eat".
Growth: She seems HUGE to us compared to our other girls. She is wearing size 18mo but I don't hesitate buying 2T shirts! All her 12mo clothes are too tight/short.
Personality: She has the BEST personality!! Scarlett is so relaxed and laid back. She goes with the flow and can easily alter her nap times based on what is happening. We are trying to give her only one nap a day now since she is transitioning out of the nursery in just a few short weeks. She is always smiling, talking, playing, and she gives the best hugs!!!
Planning is underway for her Winter ONEderland party!