
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Happy 2nd Birthday Emma Grace!

Emma Grace is TWO!! 
I still clearly remember her birthday and how easy and quickly she came into this world! I remember having anxiety about how it would affect Reese with them being close in age. I can honestly say God has a plan for all of us and he planned the PERFECT daughter to join our family! 

She is full of so much love and grace! She has the best personality and is so laid back and easy going. She is the splitting image of Cody when he was little. She has his blonde hair, blue eyes, and free spirit!

Emma is talking very well, making sentences. She LOVES talking on the phone! She's learning her ABCs, colors, counting (she says "one, two three" & "eight, nine"). She's been practicing sitting on the potty and has actually gone a few times.

Enjoy these pictures I took for her birthday invitation!

Her Favorites...
Food: Yogurt
Drink: Juice (she's still a big milk drinker)
Color: Blue
Animal: Dog
Activity: Art
Movie: Monsters Inc.

This morning we woke up and cooked breakfast then had her birthday cupcake right after (since Cody had to work all day). We let her open gifts and then the rest of the day was spent playing and talking on the phone to all those who called :)

Breakfast Cupcake for the Birthday Girl!

Thank you Papa!

Thank you Papa!

Thank you Papa!

Gifts from Mommy & Daddy waiting in her room

(notice Reese's reaction as Emma walks right past it)

She still doesn't notice her present

She LOVES it!

And of coures... her blue high heels!

Emma Grace, we all LOVE you more that words can express! We hope you had a wonderful birthday and felt extra special turning TWO! You are such a sweetheart and we are truly BLESSED!

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