
Friday, August 29, 2014

Reese's 1st Week of Kindergarten

Reese's 1st week of kindergarten is complete!

Monday - Reese came home smiling! They went to the gym (PE). She said the day was "awesome, fun & happy"! She made a new friend, Lila.
Tuesday - Ms. Keener asked her if she could spell her last name "super fast" and she did "so everyone could hear". They went to the library and checked out a book. FOUR boys went to the office from her class. She made a new friend, Hailey, and they hugged at recess. Clara, a previous ballet friend, held her hand at recess. She also became friends with the two Annabels in her class. After school Reese said "school is so fun I want to stay there all the time"!
Wednesday- Ms. Keener asked her to spell mom and dad and she did. Then she asked her if she could spell any of her sister's names and she spelled Emma. They went to gym (PE) and did stretches. She spelled her name with play doh. She came home and said she made some "boyfriends", Luke & Kai.
Thursday- Ms. Keener re-asked her to spell mom and dad to see if she really knew it. Reese said Ms. Keener told her "you must do a lot of flashcards!" They went to music and learned the rules about caring for the instruments. She spelled her name with beans. 
Friday- Spirit day! Reese went to school in her spirit shirt and hair bow. Ms. Keener asked her to spell cat and dog, which she did.They went to gym (PE) and played a crab game where the girls walked like crabs and the boys stepped over them and visa versa.

They read a story David Goes to School and then had to draw the character to display on the classroom door. Reese came home and repeated her drawing. 

Before bed tonight, I asked her what her favorite part of the whole school week was. She said "EVERYTHING!"

Monday, August 25, 2014

Reese's 1st Day of Kindergarten

Reese is in Kindergarten!

When I woke her up this morning she said "Do I always have to wake up this early? I can see the stars!" She was so excited this morning! She requested a "popping egg" and a donut for breakfast.
Kindergarten Survey

Reese lead us to her classroom

Her Cubby

Daddy saying Goodbye...

I managed to keep it together and not cry! I am actually shocked since I cried several times last week over the thought of her starting school. We can't wait to pick her up this afternoon and hear all about her fun 1st day!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Reese Bike Riding

On Wednesday, August 20th we took Reese and the girls to the school playground to practice riding bikes. We had taken her to practice learning her bike with no training wheels only once the week before.

This was the 1st time Cody let go of Reese!

We couldn't believe she figured it out on only the 2nd time practicing!

Great job Reese! I remember my bike lessons by my Dad and I know it took me much longer to learn. I remember being nervous about him letting go and the fear of falling. You had NO fear!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Meet the Teacher Night

Ready or not...Reese is starting Kindergarten on Monday! I think the more accurate thing to say is that she is ready and I am not! How has 5 years already flown by? 

Tonight was Meet the Teacher night and Reese was so excited! First, we went into the cafeteria to buy the "spirit" goods (i.e., spirit shirt for Fridays, hair bows, spirit sticks (these little badges each child collects), and even a stuffed mascot, the Vineyard Ranch Bronco!

Then we deposited money into the cafeteria lunch account and waited in the atrium for the class hallways to open up for us to go meet the teacher & pick up car tags for the car line. 

Reese was greeted at her classroom door by her teacher, Ms. Keener. She shook Reese's hand and introduced herself and invited us into her classroom. Reese picked a cubby for the the year and we distributed out the school supplies into community piles. Ms. Keener took a picture of Reese, which I am sure will make its way onto a bulletin board somewhere in the room! Ms. Keener went to TAMUCC, which is were Cody and I went! She has four kids and has taught Kinder-2nd grade over the years. 
Reese knows one other friend in her classroom from ballet! She met another little girl in her classroom tonight and I am sure it won't be long before she's her new best friend! She also has several other friends in classrooms across the hall, which I am sure they will see each other during recess and lunch.

Monday will be here before we know it! I keep telling myself "I will not cry. I will not cry." But since I have already cried twice now while reading other blogs about how to survive the 1st day of kinder, I have a strong feeling I will barely make it to the car before being flooded with emotion.

Thank you for being so brave and eager to start kindergarten! Knowing how excited and happy you are over making new friends makes this all a little easier. I know you are the child who will be saying "ok, you can go now"! I know you won't be the child clinging to our legs begging us to take you back home. Part of this brings tears to my eyes knowing you will leave so easily. The other part of me is at peace knowing you are brave enough to take on the day of unknown without fear. 

You are a strong, brave, & smart little girl. You already know all your "popcorn words" that the teacher wants you to practice (plus many, many more). I pray that you spread your wings and grow because I know you are capable of great things! I am proud of you! I love you! 

All my love,

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Scarlett's 1st Day of Ballet Class

"Stop! Let me take your picture!"
Scarlett was SO excited about doing ballet this year with her sisters! She technically has to be 3 years old but since she is potty trained, turning 3 this year & watched her sisters do ballet all last year they allowed her to sign up!
My little girl isn't so little anymore! She is proving on a daily basis she can keep up with her older sisters!
Emma & Scarlett have ballet/tap class at the same time in two different dance rooms. Reese is now going after school to a ballet/tap/jazz class.

Here are a few videos. You really don't need the sound on since they are in a glassed room all you hear are the moms talking.

(Scarlett is the 3rd one to go out on the blue flower rug)

(Scarlett has the lace heart with her back to the camera)

(She has the lace heart back if you can follow her around)

I can't post this without the video of Emma too...
(Emma is on the back row, 2nd from the mirror)

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Georgia's Two Month Well Check

Thursday was Georgia's pediatrician appointment and little Miss G is growing great!

Weight: 11lbs 4oz (51%)
Length: 22.8 inches (59%)
Head Circumference: 16.2 inches (>99%)

I addressed reflux and gas issues with the pediatrician. I told her we stopped the Zantac due to the colic-like behavior and that the prolonged crying sessions have stopped but the reflux returned. She gave us a prescription for a different reflux medicine that we can try. She also told us to start the Gerber Soothe drops with probiotics. We started the Gerber Soothe drops that same day. I have to say Georgia has been so much happier the past 2 days! We are waiting to start the reflux medicine in case the Gerber drops are all she needs. 

She had to get an oral vaccine (Rotovirus), which she threw up in the middle of getting. She also got 3 shots, which were equally as dramatic. She settled down very quickly afterwards and slept like a champ that night! 
Next pediatrician appointment is at 4 months. 

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Georgia Rae- 2 Months Old!

Look who is already TWO months old!
Eyes: currently blue but only time will tell if they will change or not
Clothes: Size 3 months
Diapers: Size 1
Nursing: breastfeeding every 2-3 hours
Weight: approximately 12lbs per home scale

Sleep: I "dream feed" her at 10:30pm each night before going to bed. She wakes up around 3:30am and 6:30am to eat and goes right back to sleep. She then wakes up around 8:30am and stretches and plays for awhile before napping. Georgia still can't sleep flat due to reflux issues. She sleeps in her vibrating lamb chair and I'm really hoping to merge her back to sleeping flat soon!

Playtime: Georgia still does a few minutes of tummy time each day and tries to scoot forward by pushing with her feet. She also sits in the Bumbo each day. She tolerates the Bumbo longer than tummy time.
1st time in her Bumbo @ 7 Weeks Old

Personality: Georgia now smiles when she sees us & hears us talking to her! Her sisters want her to be ticklish so bad but it is too early for that. She is most definitely a morning person!

Nursery: Her room is coming along! We got her changing pad cover & blanket within a week of her birthday. It took some time but I got scatter frames mounted above her changing table. She now has 2 canvas photos hanging from her newborn session. I made her bow board a few weeks ago (just need to hang it). I am currently working on three crafts for her room and then I will post final pictures of her room!

Next pediatrician appt: Next Thursday morning. Unfortunately, she will get three shots plus the oral rotovirus vaccine. I will be discussing different reflux medication options with the doctor. We have stopped the Zantac because she was having colic-like fits for 3-4hrs straight every afternoon/evening and I was desperate to try something to make it stop. Oddly enough, the prolonged crying sessions stopped but the reflux is back.