
Saturday, October 27, 2012

Scarlett Kate is 10 Months!

Happy 10 Months Scarlett Kate!!

Look what I can do!

Mobility: She sure has hit several milestones over the past month! Scarlett went from barely army crawling to crawling really fast and mostly on her knees now. She pulls up on everything and has started transferring between close furniture (from couch to coffee table).

She has even mastered drinking from a straw!
Sneaking her sister's drink

Eating: She eats almost everything we are eating. We have introduced strawberries with no reaction but she isn't much of a fan yet. She still is unsure about most fruit but eats vegetables and meat really well! Oh and this girl LOVES ravioli and turkey sausage! 

Nursing: She is still a nursing champ! I really really wish she would sleep through the night though...its getting old. I am so proud that we have made it to 10 months of breast milk! I am anxious for the transition to whole milk at 12 months so I can finally have a break.

Teething: Her bottom two molars are about to cut! They have been slowly moving up and now I can really feel them. These will be teeth #9 & 10.

Personality: She is the happiest baby and such a ham!! You can just look at her and she will light right up and wrinkle her nose :) She wants to be doing whatever her sisters are doing! She loves playing kitchen and with her sister's doodle pad.

Communication: She's been signing "milk" and we are working on "more" and "all done". She can both wave and say "bye bye".

We love you Scarlett Kate!!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Football Purse Treat Bags!

Can you guess what the girls are going to be for Halloween?!

I made them these cute little football purses to collect treats in. I made up the template as I went so I don't have step by step instructions. I printed off a picture of a basic football clip art and went from there :)

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Pumpkin Patch 2012

This morning we returned the pumpkin patch we visited last year and the girls had a blast!!!

(I really wish this one had turned out but my camera was on the wrong setting and it was overexposed)

Let's play where's Scarlett?! ...

I promised the girls they could paint their pumpkins when we got home...

Topped with some sparkle!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Toddler Halloween Friend Gift

I always have our girls take little gifts to their friends at daycare for holidays. This year I wanted to do something quick and easy.

We went and bought 28 Mandarin Orange cups and I simply drew pumpkin faces on them with a sharpie. So easy!!!

Why I liked this idea:
1. It is a break from all the candy they will be getting
2. They are packed in water (not syrup)
3. The parents can still read the expiration date
4. It was cheap, fast, easy
5. All kids like oranges :)

Of course you know where I found the idea for this... Pinterest!

Happy Copying!!!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

October 2012

Whose ready for Halloween?!
We are!!!

Two years ago we bought the cauldron with witch feet at Target and I never really knew what to do with it. For the past two Halloweens it has sat lonely by the door and I would fill it with candy for when we were out trick-or-treating ourselves.

The other day I saw this idea on Pinterest and immediately knew I had something even cuter!!! Instead of using a flower planter I had the perfect witch feet cauldron and Reese's witch costume from last year and the potato head witch pieces! All I had to do was buy a pumpkin and voila!

Our little pumpkin witch!

This morning was beautiful weather for a few fun pictures...