
Friday, July 27, 2012

Scarlett's 1st Foods

I went ahead and made a batch of peas today for Scarlett to try and it is the 1st thing so far that she hasn't gagged on!

About to try peas...not really thrilled

I LOVE this one!

1st reaction


Willing to try more

Peas are yummy!

Here are more 1st foods from last month (sorry, I got behind)

1st Homemade Applesauce 6/25/12

1st Banana 6/29/12

1st Homemade Carrots 7/14/12

Scarlett Kate is 7 Months Old!

Look who is growing up!

She has the BEST personality!

She's getting so BIG! She needs 12mo clothes for the length.

Teeth: She has FIVE chompers

Eating: So far she has had homemade applesauce (which she hates), carrots, bananas and she likes to eat Puffs & Mum Mums. She's not a fan of the smashed up banana and does better if its tiny chunks. I think she likes to chew. We will be trying peas this weekend. 

Crawling: She's getting closer! She pushes up really high and ends up going backwards. It won't be long before she's going after her sisters!!

Sleep: She goes to bed around 7:30pm. I "dream feed" her around 10 or 11 and she sleeps till 3:30 or 4am and then wants to eat again. She sleeps until someone wakes her up in the morning. I REALLY wish she would drop the middle of the night feed but I think these constant teeth have something to do with it. She naps at 9:30am, noon, and then a short cat nap around 4 or 5pm.

Yesterday, Scarlett & I went shopping and we sent this pic to daddy...
Please Daddy?!

I think her cute smile worked on Daddy! 
Scarlett's 1st snuggle buddy.

Scarlett starts school with her sisters on Monday and I'm starting to get nervous. It doesn't get easier with each child. I'm glad she is going to the same nursery that Emma went to since we know the teachers. We stopped by yesterday to introduce Scarlett to them. Scarlett seemed very interested in all the toys in the room and smiled at the teachers. 

We love you Scarlett!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Surprise Reese!

Saturday evening Cody & I decided Reese was ready for her ears to be pierced. She had been asking for over a month and we had her work towards some small goals. We did a lot of teaching and explaining to her that it would hurt like a shot but it would get better. We told her she couldn't play with them, take them out, or let her friends touch them. We also told her we would have to clean them and spin them in circles (so the healing hole wouldn't stick to the earrings). One day Reese said, "Mommy, I know its like a shot and I won't cry". We knew she was getting ready but still made her wait a bit. Since Nana happened to be at our house on Saturday evening we decided to leave Emma and Scarlett with her and take just Reese for her "surprise". 

On the way to her "surprise"!

Your getting your ears pierced!

Being silly (she looks so grown up here)

She picked out her birthstone, which just happens to be PURPLE!

Right after...NOT ONE TEAR! Her eyes just got really big and she whispered "that hurt". 

A forced smile but NO tears!!!!

Ride home...So Grown Up!

We love you Reese and are so PROUD of you!

Family Weekend

This past weekend we had a lot of family time, which was much needed! Ashley & Victor drove up Friday and stayed through Saturday afternoon. My Aunt Christi, Uncle Tom, and cousins Kelly & Melanie were in town from Houston and joined us Saturday along with my Aunt Laurie, who now lives here. I didn't get pictures of the extended family but did manage to get some of us :)

Our Family
(Aunt Christi & Uncle Tom gave the girls their 1st American Girl dolls)

Reese & Kaiser

Reese & Aunt Ashley
(and baby "Scarlett")

Nana & Reese


Uncle Vic & Scarlett

My Big Girls! (Scarlett was napping)

Aunt Ashley & Reese

Aunt Ashley & Uncle Vic's dog, Kaiser, was a big hit!

Sunday we went swimming at Meme & Granddad's house with Uncle Jason but I took a break from the camera. The girls had a blast! Reese has no fear and will jump off the edge of the pool. She can swim with her float on. Emma loved the water but didn't want anything to do with pool floaties, which can be scary. Scarlett sat in her pool float and loved every minute!