
Friday, June 29, 2012

Scarlett's 6mo Stats

Weight: 16lbs 14oz (69%)
Length: 27in (90%)
Head Circumference: 43.4cm (77%)
Poor baby girl got 3 shots and 1 oral vaccine today. I alway feel bad when they are due to vaccines.

She woke up on her tummy for the 1st time

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Happy 1/2 Birthday Scarlett Kate!

Happy 1/2 Birthday Scarlett Kate!

6 months already?!?! Wow, I don't think time can go by any faster! Please slow down, you are growing up too fast!

Nursing: By some miracle I have managed to continue breastfeeding Scarlett without any formula use! It is not so easy hauling my pump to clinicals and finding an empty room to "hide" in as I call it to pump but I've stuck to it and am so proud of her little rolls! 

Activity: Scarlett has been sitting up all by herself for some time now! She is incredibly strong and can even walk in her Around-We-Go toy!




Talking: Scarlett has found her voice and loves to use it! She is consistently trying to say "mama"...sorry Cody, but I get this one!

Teeth: She has 3 bottom teeth and the top two are VERY close to cutting soon!

What Daddy dresses her in =P

 Solids: We did introduce homemade applesauce 2 days ago and she literally threw up...poor baby! She actually does better with the puffs (which we break into fourths so the pieces are tiny) so she can start chewing on something with those teeth!

Sleep: Unfortunately, we aren't getting much sleep lately with the constant teething. She isn't fussy or crying with it but mainly wanting to nurse constantly. We still swaddle her at night but it's mainly just to keep her legs warm because she instantly pulls her arms out and usually sleeps with them above her head. 

Play: She loves to play with her sisters' toys! This is for you Granddad!

Scarlett, we love you with all our hearts! You are the strongest, happiest, & most content baby and for that we are grateful! I can't wait to see where you rank on the growth charts tomorrow. I'm sure in no time you will be crawling and walking soon after.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Go Scarlett Go!

This little kiddo isn't even 6 months old yet and watch her walk around in her toy that I pulled out last week! Listen closely in the beginning because she's trying to say "momma"!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Happy Father's Day 2012

Sunday was Father's Day and we tried our best to make it perfect for Cody! We started off with a breakfast room service order...
scrambled eggs, biscuits & gravy, bacon, OJ, & coffee with mocha
Someone must be a great father!

Then the girls snuggled with Daddy while he opened their cards...

Reese gave him a princess card & Emma gave him an iDad card (like the iPad she always plays with)

Scarlett has her's ready!

Reese was so proud of her gift!
All About My Daddy

Emma's gift was adorable with the help of her school teacher!

Emma also gave Daddy an iPhone case with a built in bottle opener

Mommy gave him 2 different IPA beer brewing kits and some 12oz bottles

Scarlett gave Daddy a new shirt "Daddy needs a beer"

Happy Father's Day to the most AMAZING father one could hope for for their children!

To finish it off we worked hard on a yummy dessert....
Cupcake Burgers and Sugar Cookie Fries

Recipe here

We all love you Cody!!! Happy Father's Day!!!