
Friday, April 27, 2012

Scarlett is 4 Months!

Guess who is FOUR months already?!

Pretty Girl Sitting Up

Scarlett has been rolling over from tummy to back for almost a month now but today she hit another milestone and went back to tummy (which is much harder)!

She is so incredibly alert and strong already! She tries to sit up from laying on her back (basically doing crunches). She loves chewing on her soft rattles and drooling like crazy! She is very interactive with her toys!

She is approximately 15 pounds on our home scale. I can't wait to get her growth statistics at her check up on Thursday! She is still exclusively getting breast milk and I'm so proud of her chubbiness =) I'm sure we will introduce rice cereal soon...I just can't believe we are to that point already!

Reese can spell!!!

We have been working with Reese to learn how to spell her name. She's been doing it for a few weeks now (sometimes forgetting one of the middle "e's" but she is now consistently spelling her name right!! She as embarrassed that I was filming her so I hope you can hear her!

Reese the Acrobat!

Last night Reese was showing us the joys of being an active 3 year old! We were cracking up...let's see if you can spot the blooper moments!

Blooper #1

Blooper #2

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Scarlett- Milestone

Guess whose rolling over?!?! 
On April 10th Scarlett rolled over for the 1st time from tummy to back and I missed it in the blink of an eye! I put her down on her playmate for tummy time....turned around to look at Reese and Emma...looked back and she was on her back! I was so confused at first! Cody didn't believe me since she is only 3 months old :) The next day she rolled over twice! On the 3rd day we caught it on camera!!!

I love her proud little smile afterwards =)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Bunny Bait

It's almost Easter and what better way to get the Easter Bunny to come than with....
 "Bunny Bait"?!?!

This is a kid friendly treat! 

 Each girl will be taking enough for their classroom friends at school!

To make 25 small bags:
1. Pop 2 bags of white popcorn (remove any unpopped kernels)
2. Melt a 14oz bag of vanilla candy melt (or could do 12oz of almond bark)
3. Mix together and add a big bag of Easter M&Ms + bag of Easter white chocolate M&Ms and lots of pretzel sticks broken in 1/2
4. Pour onto wax paper and sprinkle with spring colored sprinkles and allow to dry.
5. Assemble with clear cello bags, a label* and ribbon!

*I made the labels myself using Word and a 2" circle cutter

The portion can easily be adjusted or cut in 1/2. 

Enjoy & I hope the Easter Bunny comes!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Emma's 18 Month Stats

Yesterday Emma had her 18 month well check....BUT her temperature was 100.7 when we got there. So she bought herself a ticket to skip the vaccine until next time.

Weight: 23 lbs 6oz (37%)
Height: 32.5 inches (75%)
Head Circumference: 49cm (96%)

Her ears and throat looked great so her temperature was most likely related to some tummy troubles she's been having since Friday. Other than that Emma got a great check up report from the pediatrician and even "panted" like a dog so she could look at the back of her throat ;)