
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Introducing Scarlett Kate!!

She's here!!!!

Scarlett Kate Sweatman
12/27/11 at 12:37pm
7 pounds 12 ounces, 21.5 inches

Birth Story
We went in for an elective induction at 5:15am on 12/27/11. The first 30 minutes was spent getting me admitted, starting my IV, drawing labs and signing consents.

At 5:45am Pitocin was started

On admit I was 3cm/50% effaced/-3 station

The contractions started almost immediately. I wanted the epidural for sure and was told I could either get it now before they started a scheduled cesarean on another patient or I could wait an hour. I remember having to wait over 3 hours last time due to surgical cases so I went ahead and got my epidural early. It took 3 attempts to get my epidural in this time. The 1st attempt the catheter was threaded into a vein. After the 3rd was placed the epidural was completely one sided. I told the anesthesiologist to come back after the cesarean section and evaluate me. I was numb on my right side but completely mobile on my left and feeling contractions. She ended up pulling the epidural catheter out some which did the trick and I was soon comfortable. 

At 7:44am Dr. V broke my water and I was 4cm/75%.

At 10:56am I was 6cm/-1 station.

At 11:25am Dr. V came to check me and I was 7cm/+1 station and beginning to feel a lot of pressure with each contraction

At 12:23pm I asked to be checked because I was in tears with the pressure at this point. I was 10cm and +2 station!

At 12:32pm I started to push and just 5 minutes later at 12:37pm Scarlett Kate was born!
She was born with a very loose nuchal cord (cord around the neck) which was quickly removed

Our Family of Five!

Nana & Scarlett

Meme, Granddad & Scarlett

Aunt Ashley & Scarlett

We are so incredibly BLESSED! 
Scarlett is our little miracle -- she was God's plan for our family and we are so thankful He protected her throughout the pregnancy and that she is strong and healthy!! 

Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas!

We had a WONDERFUL Christmas this year!! 
We ended up waking up the girls because we were just so excited =) We told the girls Santa came and that it was Jesus's birthday!! The girls had a blast opening and playing with gifts. It was so much fun watching their excitement...we are truly BLESSED!

Santa brought the girls a dollhouse/playhouse and two dolls

Santa brought Reese a "purple toy"

Santa brought Emma a bike

"Sully" was a BIG hit with Emma!

He's So Fluffy!

Emma loves to wrestle down her snuggle buddies

Reese was inspecting Rafiki

New snuggle buddies

I LOVE this smile!

Reese's FAVORITE gift of the day: Princess Nail Polish! She exclaimed "I'm a BIG girl now!"

Thanks Nana!

Thanks Nana!

Reese opening Nana's gift

Instantly needed to be checked for poop!

Being inspected

"Sophia" passed inspection!

Cody's surprise gift (literally sold out everywhere)...

A Thermostat...only Cody would ask for a thermostat!

And to be fair for posting pics of Cody...Thanks Mom for my Uggs!!

I feel bad that I didn't get any pictures of the girls opening gifts from Meme & Granddad but they sure did appreciate and love them! Thank you to all our loving family who helped make this Christmas holiday amazing!! We will get to celebrate Christmas with Ashley & Victor on Wednesday after baby Scarlett is here ;)