
Sunday, July 31, 2011

18 Weeks!

Yesterday I hit the 18 week mark...getting up there :) We did a quick sono on her at clinicals on Thursday since I am still not feeling movement... definitely an anterior placenta (placenta is at the front of my uterus so its a whole extra layer she has to be able to kick me through). She was also transverse (laying completely sideways)...which results in some extra abdominal tenderness for me. Other than that I feel great!

Happy 10 Months Emma!

Yesterday, 7/30/11, Emma turned 10 months!!! I can't believe I am going to start planning her 1st birthday party already!!! She is seriously the happiest baby we know and is ALWAYS smiling!!!! She has 6 teeth still and is eating all kinds of table food (trying to be like her sister)! Emma can pull up to standing and can stand without assistance for about 10 seconds.

Look who's standing!

New pool toys from Meme

Saturday, July 23, 2011

17 Weeks

Today I am 17 weeks and although I look pregnant, I don't really feel pregnant. I have an anterior placenta so I am not feeling a lot of the baby movements yet. We are still working on a name for this little girl...we are pretty sure on her 1st name ;)

She is now the size of an onion!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

It's A....


We are THRILLED to be blessed with a 3rd beautiful baby GIRL!!!!

16 Weeks!

Officially 4 months pregnant!! I am feeling SO much better today. Yesterday I got hit hard with a 24 viral bug that just about wiped me out. I pretty much slept all day and night but am feeling better today.

Right after my blog post last week I started feeling the baby kick and they were strong kicks :)

The baby is the size of an avacado :)

Stay tuned....elective gender sono at 12:15pm today!!! 
Reese is guessing GIRL :) What are your guesses?

Saturday, July 9, 2011

15 Weeks!

Today I am 15 weeks and moving right along! I am feeling great but dealing with bad headaches almost daily. The nausea is officially gone!! Still really not feeling the baby yet...a few times I thought "was that the baby?" but its so faint. 

Bump at 14.6 weeks

The lucky part about doing clinical rotations in an OBGYN office is the opportunity to get sonograms when I am there!! Here are two of many pics I got from this past Wednesday at 14.4 weeks:

The baby already had breathing movements which was amazing to see this early! The sonographer/RN said this will be a "strong baby". Once again the baby was opening and closing it's mouth :)

At 15 weeks the baby is the size of a navel orange!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Emma's 9 Month Stats

Weight: 17 lbs 2 oz (29%)
Length: 27.5 inches (45%)
Head Circumference: 46.5cm (97%)!!

As part of the 9 month check up they tested her iron level (finger prick) and she didn't even cry! However her iron is low so we have to push iron enriched foods now. 

Emma is still battling the congestion and low grade fevers since Monday of last week. Today she broke out in a mild rash so we have to see how she does over the weekend. Her throat was very red but her rapid strep test was negative. Her ears are still clear! We will begin antibiotics Monday if she still having these symptoms. Most likely she had two separate viral infections back to back + teething! Two more upper teeth have cut through making a total of 6 teeth already and more are coming. 

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Happy 9 Months Emma!

Happy 9 months Emma Grace! 

This post is a few days late but Emma turned 9mo on June 30th and I can't believe where the time has gone! She is crawling everywhere and pulling up on everything....hence these 9mo pics (she wouldn't sit still)!

Emma was sick with an upper respiratory infection, fever, and is cutting two more teeth at the same time...exhausting! She literally fell asleep WHILE jumping.