
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

13.3 Weeks

Today we had the nuchal translucency (NT) sono done to measure the fold at the back of the baby's neck. They compare this to blood work to determine the risk of genetic issues. The NT measurement was great and it will take a few days for the blood work to come in.

Cody & I were excited to see the baby again! The baby is measuring a week ahead and was drinking the amniotic fluid, which was so neat to watch that little mouth open and close!! We asked for a sneak peek at the gender but the sono tech couldn't tell. Hopefully in a few weeks we will know if the girls are getting a sister or a brother ;)

Monday, June 20, 2011

12 Weeks

On Saturday I hit the 12 week mark (3 months) of pregnancy #3. It seems to be FLYING by! This is the least I have weighed during any of my pregnancies thanks to Weight Watchers and I think it is making me show that much sooner or it could be the fact that Emma is only 8 mo old :) I didn't start taking belly pics with Emma until 15 weeks along and I am already bigger than I was at that point!

11 weeks 6 days (last Friday)

Right now the baby is the size of a plum, approx. 2.5 inches long. I've gained a total of 5-6 pounds (depending on the day). I still haven't felt any movement but it is still very early for that. 

This pregnancy has been very different from my other two so I am wondering if its possible we might actually have a boy this time! The morning sickness hit me hard at 10 weeks and I have had nausea waves, dry heaving and major food aversions ever since. I can't seem to eat one bite of pizza, turkey sandwiches, hot dogs, gravy, fried chicken...and I'm sure there is more I can't think of. Sometimes I will just eat a bowl of cereal b/c there is absolutely nothing that sounds good. I did not have this problem with the girls.  

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Difference A Year Makes!

We are always so excited when we get to visit with our dear friends Shara, Dave & Andi!! We make sure we see them at least twice a year, rotating which family makes the drive. This week they made the trip down and spent some very fun-filled days with us :) 

Shara was looking through pictures and realized they were here at this exact date one year ago and thought it would be neat to compare pictures of the girls!! Check out the "then vs. now" pictures :)

Best Friends: The Difference of A Year


Dads & The Girls: The Difference of A Year
June 2010

June 2011

During their visit we went to Sea World....

We went to Medina Lake....
Tonya (11 weeks pregnant) & Shara Cruising

Dave & Shara

Dave & Cody

And the girls got lots of playtime....

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Look who's crawling!

Today (6/1/11) Emma started crawling for the 1st time!!