
Monday, December 29, 2008

34 Weeks!!

I am officially 8 1/2 months today!! I am really starting to feel like the end is near :o) Today we had the maternity pictures taken and we are anxious to see the proofs :o) Tomorrow is our OB appointment.

During Week 34: Reese should be weighing almost 5 pounds by now!! Her fingernails are now as long or longer than her fingertips, so she may be able to scratch herself. Her kidneys are fully developed and her liver is almost finshed :o)

Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas Belly @ 33 Weeks!!

Only 4 more weeks until full term and only 7 more weeks until she is due!!! Reese is still highly active and likes to dig her feet into my ribs :o)

During Week 33: She is gaining about a half a pound a week now and measuring about 4 1/2 pounds!! My amniotic fluid level has maxed out now, which means less cushion for her kicks and pokes ;o) Antiobodies are being formed as she continues to develop her own immune system.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Nursery Update & OB Appt

Yesterday I had another OB appointment and everything is going great! I have gained a total of 22 pounds :o) I go back in another 2 weeks!!

Our Nursery Glider Is Here!!!

Monday, December 15, 2008

32 Weeks!!

I can't believe I am 8 months pregnant today!!! I have been feeling great! I can tell Reese is running out of room because I have a pair of feet in my rib cage!! It is so funny to feel her get the hiccups :o) I have an appointment this Thursday for a check up. Only 5 more weeks until she is full term and 8 weeks until she is due!!

During Week 32: Reese is now almost 4 pounds and 19 inches long! In these last few weeks, it is all about practice...swallowing, beathing, sucking and kicking. Her skin is no longer is finally opaque!!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Monday, December 8, 2008

31 Weeks!!

Only 9 Weeks to go now :o) I am feeling great and everything is going as well as can be! I am starting to have slight swelling in my legs...yuck! We are starting to get very anxious :o) Only 6 weeks until she is full term!!

During Week 31: She is now 3+ pounds and approximately 18 inches long. Her brain connections are developing rapidly (she has to make a trillion of them). She is perceiving signals from all 5 senses, processing information, and tracking light. She is also a sleepy baby, spending more time snoozing in the REM cycle.

Friday, December 5, 2008

OB Appt

Today was my 30 week OB appt and everything is going great! I have gained 19 pounds total :o) Her heartbeat sounded great and there are no complications so far!! I go back in 2 weeks.

Monday, December 1, 2008

30 Weeks!!

I can't believe I am in the 30's now!! In just 7 weeks I will be full term, wow!!! Reese has really been active these last couple of days. She has been busy kicking, hitting and kneeing me all over :o) I have been feeling much better this last week.

Our Stroller & Toys

During Week 30: She is now at least 3 pounds and 17 inches long. Fat deposits are developing, which is causing her skin to turn from red to pink. This week her brain is developing, creating all those grooves and indentations. Her brain has now started taking over her temperature regulation. She will now be shedding the lanugo (the downy, soft body hair) that has been keeping her warm. Apparently, I should now start gaining a pound a week!!