
Monday, November 24, 2008

29 Weeks!!

Wow...only 11 Weeks to go until little Reese is due! My OB appt on Friday went well. I have gained 15 pounds so far. Reese was measuring 2 pounds 11 ounces then. She was already practicing her breathing movements, so neat to see!! She was still head down and she better stay that way :o)

During Week 29: She can be as tall as 17 inches long already and is within about 3 inches of her ultimate birth length. She is almost 3 pounds by now. Over the next 11 weeks she will more than double, maybe even triple, her weight.

Monday, November 17, 2008

28 Weeks!!

I am officially 7 months pregnant today!!! This last week was pretty rough since I had a horrible viral infection that I am still recovering from. Reese is doing great and she is starting to move around a lot more :o)

Reese's 1st Teddy Bears

Reese's 1st Monkey

Reese's 1st Piggy Bank
During Week 28: Reese may be almost 16 inches long and weighs about 2 1/2 pounds! Her skill of the week: blinking!! She is now getting REM sleep, so dream away little girl!!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

4D Sono Attempt

Yesterday we went to attempt a 4D sono on little miss Reese. However, she was uncooporative because she had her face all smooshed up against my uterine wall and also had a hand right up in her face! She looked great and is measuring 2 pounds 6 ounces!! We were thrilled to be able to have her sex confirmed as well! There is no doubt that she is a girl! We decided to order the stroller yesterday :o)

Side Profile of Her Face

It's Definately A Girl!!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

27 Weeks!!

Hello 3rd Trimester!!! I am so excited to have made it to this milestone in my pregnancy!! I have been feeling great and the nursery is looking beautiful :o) We went to San Marcos this weekend and found a bunch of baby clothes at the outlet stores!!! I am so ready for her to be here already and I know the rest of the time will fly by!

During Week 27: Reese should be measuring about 15 inches in length and weighs just over 2 pounds!! She has more taste buds than she will have at birth and beyond. So she may get the hiccups when I eat spicy foods or even start kicking :O)

Monday, November 3, 2008

OB Appt

My Ob appt went great! I PASSED my glucose tolerance test...yeah!!! My cervix was still thick and no more funneling!! They didn't sono the baby this time, but she could tell from doing the sono on my cervix that she was head down now :o) I have gained at total of 11 pounds and I go back in 2 Weeks.

The nursery is now painted!!! Check out the pictures:

26 Weeks!!

We officially have less than 100 days before we meet our little girl!!! Next week I will be starting the 3rd trimester already!!! I feel great so far! I have a sono and OB appt this afternoon, hopefully everything will be ok! We also scheduled our 4D sono for next Thursday, and we can't wait!!!

During Week 26: Reese should now be measuring about 2 pounds!!! Her eyes are begining to open this week :o) She can now see, although there isn't much to be seen in my dark uterus...hehe!!